Virginia Moran

Mom.  Do we every know our moms as people other than our moms?  The filter that we use for "mom" is probably the toughest one for us to see through clearly.  I set off to tell a story in pictures of my mom's daily life.  I kind of pictured her sitting alone and feeling forgotten a bit.  Maybe that is my guilt of not visiting her every day shining through.  The story that I got though was somewhat different.  I found my mom has found her own answer to loneliness.  She never expected nor tried to live a life through her kids, but she certainly has found a life of her own. My mom is the strongest woman I know.  With a quiet faith, she has endured many heart aches.  With a God given strength she has taken care of others her entire life, her children, her parents, her in-laws and finally her spouse. She has cared and nursed us all with a love unending and a selflessness only God could provide.  Today, she is alone.  Today is her day.  I hope you enjoy the story of her today.